This article gives a 3 simple examples showing how to run MATLAB on Talapas.
We have several versions available, to view run, module available matlab
Talapas Desktop
- Access Open OnDemand
- In the top ribbon, select the ‘Interactive Apps’ dropdown menu. Choose ‘Talapas Desktop’.
- Enter account and job resource information. Once an allocation is granted, click ‘Launch noVNC in New Tab’.
- In the top ribbon of the Talapas Desktop, select Applications, Education, MATLAB. This will launch the MATLAB R2018b GUI.
- ssh onto a talapas login node (How-to Login to Talapas)
- Start an interactive job (How-to Start an Interactive Job)
- Once on the allocated node run:
module load matlab
For longer running non-interactive use cases call matlab in batch. Create the file matlab-job.srun
. In the file, add the desired slurm declarations, load the matlab module, call the application.
#SBATCH --account=<pirg-name>
#SBATCH --job-name=matlab-job
#SBATCH --output=matlab-job.out
#SBATCH --error=matlab-job.err
module load matlab
matlab -nodisplay < matlab-file.m
Submit the job
Use the sbatch command to submit the job.
$ sbatch matlab-job.srun